Life Groups

LIFE is better when it's lived together!  Everyone deserves a safe place where they can experience "LIFE TOGETHER" with friends.  

In a Life Group, you will meet people at various stages in their Christianity who gather in various places on a semester basis, discussing various topics to develop their relationship with God and others.  Members develop friendships, pray for one another's needs, and find ongoing ways to stay connected through social activities. 

All of us long to be connected:  It's how God created us!  Our groups give you the opportunity to connect with other people just like you who are endeavoring to live life to the fullest for Jesus Christ.  Life Groups let you pursue LIFE TOGETHER in the company of friends.

Our Groups focus on meeting needs in many different areas.  We call them HUBS.  Click on any of our HUBS to see what groups we are offering in our current semester.  They are:

Fall Semester: September 15 - December 14

Registration begins on September 1st.  Be sure to register early for the groups you would like as many will fill up quickly.

If you are interested in leading a group in a future semester, complete the application below.

Life Group Application
Women's Bible Study
Leader: Debbie Hardy | Sundays - 7:30 pm | Virtual Group Via Google Meet

Join with Debbie Hardy and other women online for an in-depth Bible Study each week.  Various Biblical topics will be explored and examined, and group discussion that helps us to understand God’s Word better. 

Register Join the Virtual Study
Back Porch Tea
Leader: Robin Thompson | Tuesdays 10 am | Thompson's Home

Join with other ladies on Tuesday mornings for a time of fellowship, morning tea, and meaningful discussions on the “Back Porch”.  This group meets weekly for this special time of sharing and caring. 

Scripture Mapping Discussion Group
Leader: Shirley Butler | Tuesdays - 7 pm | Virtual Group on Zoom

This group will be focused on scriptures related to faith and hope.  We will be breaking down verses, identifying and defining keywords, historical context, alternate translations and cross referencing using the James Method - a refreshing deep dive into Scripture.

Limited to 8 group members.

Join Today
Women Who War
Leader: Shelly Fields-Gardner | Tuesdays - 7 pm | LC Campus

This semester we will be exploring “Breaking Free” by Beth Moore.  This in-depth women's Bible study draws parallels between the captive Israelites of the Old Testament and New Testament believers in Jesus as the Promised Messiah. Using Scripture to help identify spiritual strongholds in your life, no matter how big or small, Beth explains that anything that hinders us from the benefits of knowing God is bondage. You'll be inspired to discover the transforming power of freedom in Christ.  

Join Today Order "Breaking Free"
Embrace Grace
Leader: LeighAnn Beauchamp | Wednesdays - 7 pm | LC Campus - Rm. 12

Pregnancy and motherhood can be scary or difficult to go through alone.  Whether your baby is planned or unexpected, we all need support and other women to link arms with to help us through both the difficult and the joyful days of becoming a mom.  If you are expecting an unplanned pregnancy, experiencing a high risk pregnancy, expecting your first baby and needing support, or a new mom looking to build community, this group is for you. 

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES available.  Inquire how you can make a difference through EMBRACE GRACE.

Thrifty Thursdays
Leader: Kizzy Gray | Thursdays - 6:00 pm | LC Campus - Rm. 12

Women will meet to discuss being frugal as wise women who steward well according to scripture. We will also go thrift shopping and have fun challenges around this interest.

Ladies' Lunch Bunch
Leader: Pat Kasten | Fridays - 11:30 AM | Varies

This ladies' only group will meet to connect with each other over food and fellowship.  Meeting weekly at different area budget-friendly restaurants for lunch and conversation, you will look forward to Lunch Out each Friday!

Coffee Shop Hopping
Leader: Lisa Adkins | Saturdays - 8 AM | Varies

Let’s go coffee shop hopping together! Start your Saturday mornings at local coffee shops, sampling some of the best custom lattes around, as we connect together over a biblical discussion topic each week.

Limited to first 15 registered group members.

BEMA Discipleship Group
Leader: Nathan Henderson | Sundays 7 pm | Locations Will Vary

Join this men's group as we follow the BEMA podcast with Marty Solomon. In this group, we study the bible through an in depth Jewish and Eastern contextual perspective. We listen to the podcast during the week, and come together to study, discuss, and pray on Fridays or Sunday evenings. This is a discussion-based group, and ready for those hungry and humble to learn. "To love God. To love others. To become people of the Text."  

Register Here Follow the Podcast
Leader: Charlie Braman | Mondays 7 pm | 7492 Lee Davis Rd, Ste 14, Mechanicsville, VA

Join with other men for learning and accountability.  This group is designed to help every man discover how to find direction, walk an effective path, experience joy in the journey, and arrive at your completed destination.

Register Here
Bible 101
Leader: Gary Buckley | Thursdays - 6 pm | LC Campus

This will be a Men’s Bible Study, where we will be taking a road trip together through the sixty-six books of the Bible. Come let us travel together looking at some of the highlights along the way, beginning at Genesis, and concluding the journey in Revelation.  This Life Group will be specifically designed for those who have never really been through the Bible or understood its value to our lives.

Register Here
Men's Breakfast and Devotions: Fridays
Leader: Brett Pauscher & Houston Hines | Fridays - 7 am | Chick-Fil-A - Atlee Station

Get your weekend started with a time of morning devotion and breakfast with other men. This semester we will be taking a journey with Force Recon Marine and Pro MMA Champion Chad Robichaux as he shares glimpses into the life of special operations, professional fighting and deep insight into this world's spiritual battles. Chad shares successes and failures experienced in Afghanistan, the MMA cage, and his biggest fight... coming home and struggling with PTSD, a near divorce and almost becoming another veteran suicide statistic. Each chapter shares parallel stories of biblical warriors who faced similar struggles and reveals An Unfair Advantage that led them to victory in the midst of those battles. Discover that same advantage for the battles you face, and unlock the warrior spirit sewn in YOUR heart by God Himself.

Purchase "An Unfair Advantage" from your group leader for $10.

Men's Morning Devotions - Saturdays
Leader: Daniel Etue | Saturdays 8 am | LC Welcome Center

Join with other men on Saturday mornings for a time of fellowship and morning devotions. Stop on the way and pick up breakfast and enjoy this time with other men as we begin the day in God’s Word and prayer.  This semester we will be exploring Louie Giglio’s “Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table.”  God has prepared a table for you. It's set with a banquet of peace, clarity, and purpose. But Satan is constantly looking for an invitation, seeking to fill your mind with distractions, fear, worry, insecurity, anxiety, temptation, doubt... It's an ongoing battle. But you can learn how to protect your mind from unhealthy thoughts and experience rest and nourishment at God's table.

Register Purchase the Book
Real Life Men
Leader: David Rutherford | Saturdays 2 pm | LC Campus

Exploring God’s Word reveals all sorts of amazing truths that give us understanding in our present and hope for the future.  Join with other men to study the Bible and discuss how it applies to our daily lives, building relationships and establishing accountability.

Couples Bible Study: Joshua
Leader: Allen & Rose Broaddus | Mondays 7 pm | Broaddus' Home

This group will be studying the book of Joshua together this semester.  Most of us know the story about the walls of Jericho coming down but what does this and the study of the Book of Joshua have to do with us today. Learn how it connects with the New Testament and is useful to us now.  Walk through the book in the video teaching of Pastor Gary Hamrick of Cornerstone Chapel.

Register You and Your Spouse
Marriage Life Group - Tuesdays
Leader: Buddy & Robin Thompson | Tuesdays 7 pm | Thompson Home

Join with other Married Couples at the Thompson home this semester for a time of fellowship, food, and inspirational learning designed especially to enhance your marriage.  This semester we will be exploring “How We Love” by Milan & Kay Yerkovich.  Each of us relates to our spouse based on how we experienced love as a child.  This eminently practical guide will take your marriage to the new level of intimacy you’ve always wanted.



Purchase "How We Love"
The YACHT Club - (Young Adult Couples Hanging Together)
Leader: John & Kiana Maghamez | Tuesdays 7:45 pm | Maghamez' Home

Connect with other young married couples at a similar stage in life for a night of fun activity and Bible Study based discussions focused on early stages of marriage, challenges, children, work/life balance and all the great things that newly married couples face.  This semester we will be using “Love and Respect in the Family” by Emerson Eggerichs.  The group is geared towards young married couples that are parents, are planning to be parents, or serve in any sort of parenting/advisory role with children.  

Limited to first 9 couples.

Register You and Your Spouse Purchase "Love and Respect in the Family"
Created for Connection
Leader: James & Shelley Kasten | Wednesdays 7:00 pm | Kasten' Home

Are you looking to strengthen your relationship, deepen your connection with God, and foster a lifetime of love? The Created for Connection book emphasizes understanding the emotional foundation of your relationship, promoting open communication, responsiveness, and re-establishing a secure emotional bond. This small group aims to help ensure a lifetime of love and support. So, join us as we embark on a fun journey towards happy, fulfilled marriages.


Register You and Your Spouse Purchase "Created for Connection"
Fun & Food with Friends
Leader: Rodney & Davina Pavie | Fridays 7 pm | Various Locations

After a long week of work and all that life brings, it’s great to have a relaxing evening with friends, enjoying some good food, and some lively discussion.  There’s something great about connecting with friends and discovering lasting relationships that matter.  We will be meeting in various homes for some home-cooked fun and an occasional night out for a special date night with marriage enrichment discussions.  We will have a great semester making our marriages better.


Healing: A Promise In God's Word
Leaders: Ken & Cheryl Simpson | Mondays 7 pm | LC Campus

Did you know that there are at least 124 references to healing in the Word?  Acts 10:38 says "how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with Him."  John 14:12-14 says ". . .And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.  If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it."  Psalm 103:3b says ". . . Who heals all your diseases.” This small group will explore the divine revelation of healing from the Word of God, through a careful assessment of the accurate and timely application of the scriptures and principles found there-in.  We will search out the scriptures together to get a clear understanding of what God's position on healing is - is, has been, and remains.

The Great Disappearance
Leader: Melanie Avval | Mondays - 7 pm| LC Campus

This group will meet to discuss David Jeremiah’s book “The Great Disappearance: 31 Ways to Be Rapture Ready.” The rapture is the central event in biblical prophecy. But what does it mean for us today? How can this crucial end times event draw us nearer to God in a world that is seemingly on the brink of chaos? Political turmoil, economic uncertainty, an ideological divide that feels increasingly impassable—the signs of the times point us toward the end, and that can be disconcerting.  But the greatest truth about the rapture is not its timing, but its reality—for blessed are all who long for His appearing.

Register Purchase "The Great Disappearance"
Dinwiddie/South Chesterfield Community Group
Leader: Jackie Johnson | Tuesdays - 7:00 pm | Varying Locations

Gather with other group members from the Dinwiddie and South Chesterfield area for fellowship and Biblical discussion.  We will vary locations at various member’s home.  

Tidewater Life Group
Leaders: Gary & Sue Buckley | Wednesdays 7 pm | Buckley's Home

If you live in the Tidewater area, plan to join us on Wednesday evenings.  This semester we will be using material from “The Seven Primal Questions”.  It is a revolutionary new framework to understand everything about you and your relationships. The book is a practical guide to help you maximize your life by understanding your internal programming. The Primal Question is the thing underneath the thing that drives everything. And once you discover it, you can quickly overcome the challenges that have been holding you back for far too long.  Join us!

Register Purchase "The Seven Primal Questions"
F.O.C.A.S. - Fellowship of Christian Adult Singles
Leaders: Leesa Brooks & Robbie Sue Blankenship | Wednesdays 7 pm | LC Campus

This group is Christ centered for single men and women to help navigate through singleness until God puts you with a Christian partner; helping to understand and deal with loneliness in a healthy manner.

Leader: Paul & Cathy Jarrell | Thursdays 7 pm | Jarrell Home

This group will meet as a time to regroup during the week for a time of prayer, worship, and a scripture and topic for the evening with discussion. It will be a comfortable and friendly time of fellowship for anyone who may come. We would love to have you be a part of our group.

Does God Really Love Me?
Leader: Nikki Williams | Fridays - 7 pm | LC Campus

How we view God informs everything about who we are and who we're becoming.  In this Life Group, we will challenge our perceptions of who God is and get to know Him as a heavenly Father who is not absent or ambivalent but is available and ready to embrace us with His unconditional love and blessing.  

We will be using "Seeing God as a Perfect Father" by Louie Giglio and it can be purchased at the link below.

Register Purchase "Seeing God As A Perfect Father"
Life Church Choir
Leader: Charlotte Humerickhouse | Thursdays 6 pm | LC Campus - Room 3

God has blessed us with many who love to express their worship through the gift of singing.  This semester we will be offering the opportunity to be a part of a choir, where during your Life Group, you will learn and prepare for the opportunity to sing during a Sunday service.  If you are wanting to be a part, and you can sing, join the Choir Life Group this semester.

Messy Art, Full Heart
Leader: Lisa Bost | Saturdays 10 am | LC Campus

Enjoy crafting together incorporating the teachings of Christ.  Through this Bible Study, we will create crafts in relation to each lesson.  We will gather at Life Church for some weeks, and other locations based on the activity for others.  Join us on Saturdays and let’s get crafty.

Register Purchase "Messy Art, Full Heart"
Worship Through Drama
Leader: Megan Pauley | Sunday Afternoons | LC Campus

For those with a flair for the dramatic, and a desire to worship Jesus, this group will bring both passions together as we develop, rehearse and perform dramatic interpretations of songs that will lead people into the presence of Jesus.  

A Heart for the Nations
Leaders: Nathan & Miranda Henderson | Wednesdays - 7 pm | 7225 Cedar Berry Rd., Mechanicsville, VA

Join us as we learn about and pray for different nations around the world, and for the global persecuted church. We work through the "Operation World" book, and study each nation's diverse religious background, culture, education levels, political/socio economic status, etc. We sometimes hear first-hand accounts from missionaries serving there. How can we love the world as Christ does, if we don't know anything about the nations? Join us in prayer. 

Register Today
Testimony Tuesdays
Leader: Bethel Booth | Tuesday - 7 pm | LC Campus - Kids Life Center

The word tells us “they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony,” (Revelation 12:11) and that is still the way we overcome the enemy. Each week, we will praise God and we will have one or two people share their testimony of how God has transformed their life for His glory. We believe hearing testimonies of God’s goodness increases our faith and gives us hope to believe He can do it again!  To close, we will have those who shared their testimony lead us in prayer.

Register Here
Jericho Hour
Leader: Isaac Djangmah | Wednesday - 7 pm | LC Campus - Dream Team Central

 For those who are intercessors or just want to gather for a time of prayer, join Pastor Isaac on Wednesday nights at 7 pm for one hour of prayer – a time to connect to God by interceding for our city, our nation and our world. 

Register Here
Reach Richmond Outreach
Leaders: Chuck & April Pauley | 1st & 3rd Saturdays - 11:30 am - 2:30 pm | LC Campus & Outreach Destinations

The Reach Richmond outreach team will be meeting at LC on the first and third Saturdays of each month, gathering for prayer and preparation at the church, and then heading out in conjuction with Moments of Hope to bless those in our community who are less fortunate through kindness, love, hot chocolate, and warm smiles.  If you’ve got a heart for the hurting this Life Groups is for you! 

Participants must be at least 18 years old.

Register Here
Walking In Life
Leaders: Sara Lopes | Saturdays - 8 am | Varies

Weather Permitting, We will be walking in the Newness of Life and enjoying God's creation along the way. We will be walking/hiking using easy to moderate trails. Children are welcome to join along with their parents.

Leaders: Brett & Michelle Pauscher | Saturdays - 10 am | LC Parking Lot

Come join the fast-growing new recreational craze – PICKLEBALL.  No, we don’t use pickles.  No cucumbers will be damaged.  Come and discover the fun of the mashup of ping-pong and tennis at LC every Saturday morning.  If you have a paddle, be sure to bring it.


Freedom Groups

 Freedom Groups gather weekly to discuss the Freedom Small Group curriculum, which is designed to equip you to live the victorious and abundant life Christ came to give you. Freedom Groups build on the foundation of your faith in Christ to help you embrace the truth of God’s Word as it relates to your worldview, your past, your sin, your personal value to God, and your purpose in His Kingdom. This group will help you remove every obstacle to intimacy with God and walk in true freedom.   The Freedom curriculum focuses on six areas of personal growth:

  1. Living in the "Tree of Life":  God never wanted us to pursue dead religion, rather His heart is for us to know Him personally and live in our true identity as His children.
  2. Walking in the Spirit:  Through Freedom, you will learn the principles of spiritual order and how feeding your spirit over your emotions and flesh is key to walking in the Spirit.
  3. Surrendering to Jesus:  Freedom help you learn how to surrender to Jesus and live in freedom daily.
  4. Speaking Words of Life:  Our words have power, and through Freedom we learn to speak words of life that line up with God's Word.
  5. Becoming a Vessel God Can Use:  In your Freedom Group, you will learn how to stand in the authority of Jesus to overcome sinand the enemy's schemes as you allow God to use your life for His glory.
  6. Living as a Worshipper:  We all worship something.  Freedom will help you learn how to daily direct your worship to God and discover how it can influence the heart of everything you do.

Cost is $12 for your Freedom Workbook.

Freedom Group - Monday
Leaders: Matt & Krystal Johnston | 7 pm | Johnston Home
Register for Freedom - Monday
Freedom Group - Tuesday
Leader: Alanna Jarvis | 7 pm | LC Campus
Register For Freedom - Tuesday
Freedom Group - Thursday
Leaders: Sherry Sandlin | Thursdays - 7 pm | Sherry's Home
Register for Freedom - Thursday
Freedom Group - Friday
Leaders: Troy & Angela Coates | 7 pm | LC Campus
Register For Freedom - Friday
Overcomers Outreach
Leader: Matt & Krystal Johnston | Thursdays 7 pm | LC Campus

Overcomers Outreach provides a two-way BRIDGE between traditional 12-step support groups and people within the church. The meetings offer Christ-centered recovery support and fellowship for those whose quality of life has suffered due to problems such as:

  • addiction to drugs and alcohol
  • eating disorders
  • codependency
  • sexual addiction
  • pornography
  • gambling
  • addiction to spending and debt
  • attention deficit disorder

The support group participants, whatever their needs, find the extra care and encouragement necessary to grow beyond the wounds of life's battles, the difficulties in family relationships, the bondage of addictive habits and behaviors, and the isolation caused by shame. Our meetings are filled with the faith, hope, and love only God can provide through Christ.  

As this is an anonymous group, there is no online registration. Call or text for more information:  804-366-6524

Co-Dependent Anonymous (CoDA)
Leader: Melanie Gary | Thursday - 7 pm | Life Church

Many search for ways to overcome the conflicts in our relationships. Many were raised in families where addictions existed.  We have each experienced in our own way the painful trauma that relationships can sometimes bring to our lives. Some have attempted to use others – our mates, friends, and even our children, as our sole source of identity, value, and well-being and as a way of trying to restore within us the emotional losses from our relationships gone bad.  We have all learned to survive life, but we are learning to live life. May you find here a new strength within to be what God intended – Precious and Free. 

As this is an anonymous group, there will be no online registration.  Contact Melanie directly for more information or any questions at 804-347-7364.

NOW - No Opportunity Wasted
Leader: Mika and Kevin Coley | Thursdays 7 pm | Coley Home | Young Adults - 18+

Gather with other young adults at the Coley Home for a fun night of games and discovering spiritual application.  Find some friends and make it an exciting night as you gather together - taking advantage of every opportunity to learn and grow.  Don't miss it!

Adventure Academy - Grades 4-10
Leaders: Jennifer Lusk | Tuesdays - 10 am - 12 noon | LC Campus

This group is made available for Homeschoolers, grades 4-10, for physical education, recreational activities, and learning crafts and experiments.  Our purpose is to help kids meet new friends and socialize with other students, while getting exercise and having fun in the process.

Trail Life USA
Leaders: James Wilson & Hope White | 5 yrs - 5th Grade | Every other Tuesday | 6:30 - 8 pm | LC Campus

Trail Life USA is a Church-Based, Christ-Centered, Boy-Focused mentoring and discipleship journey that speaks to the heart of a boy. Established on timeless values derived from the Bible and set in the context of outdoor adventure, boys are engaged in a Troop setting where they are challenged to grow in character, understand their purpose, serve their community, and develop practical leadership skills to carry out the mission for which they were created.

Register Here
Worship Warriors
Leader: Sue Lucas | Wednesdays - 6 pm | LC Campus

Worship Warriors is a Life Group for elementary age kids.  This one highly energetic hour will include fun and games, music, worship, and powerful prayer.  Not only will these young warriors learn the power of worship, but they will also get to demonstrate what they’ve learned during the LC Kids Super Sunday.
