Christmas is a time of celebration, not just for the traditions and festivities, but for the profound spiritual truth it represents. Before the world was formed, God had a plan, a plan that included the birth of a Savior, Jesus Christ. This plan was meticulously crafted, knowing the chaos and mess humanity would create. Yet, God chose to send His Son into the world, not in grandeur, but in humility, born to a young virgin named Mary. This act of divine love is what we celebrate during Christmas, a season that reminds us of the light that Jesus brought into a dark world.
The story of Christmas is not just a historical account but a narrative that began before time itself. In the Gospel of John, we learn that Jesus, the Word, was with God from the beginning. He is the light of all mankind, a light that shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. This light is what we celebrate when we see the twinkling lights of Christmas trees and decorations. It is a reminder that Jesus came to illuminate our lives, to drive out darkness, and to offer us the gift of becoming children of God.
Christmas also invites us to embrace a childlike faith. The wonder and awe that children experience during this season reflect the kind of faith we are called to have. Jesus taught that to enter the kingdom of God, we must receive it like a child, with openness and trust. This childlike faith allows us to believe in the miraculous, to see the world with wonder, and to trust in God's promises.
Finally, Christmas is a time when all of creation rejoices. The birth of Jesus was not just a human event but a cosmic one. The stars, the angels, and even the unborn John the Baptist leapt with joy at His coming. If creation can celebrate the birth of Christ, so should we. Christmas is a reminder that God's plan was set in motion to bring salvation to the world, a plan that culminated in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. This is why we love Christmas, for it is a celebration of the light, hope, and salvation that Jesus brings.