
Genesis 46; Genesis 50

Creating a culture within our homes and lives is a deliberate act that shapes not only our present but also our future. Culture is not just something that happens to us; it is something we can actively create and influence. This is evident in the story of Joseph, who, despite being born into a toxic family culture, rose to a position of influence in Egypt. Joseph understood the importance of maintaining a distinct cultural identity for his family, even in a foreign land. He instructed his family to identify as shepherds, a profession despised by Egyptians, to ensure they would not assimilate into Egyptian culture and forget their ultimate destination—the Promised Land.

The culture we cultivate in our homes can determine the trajectory of our families. It is crucial to be intentional about the values and practices we instill in our households. This involves setting a clear destination for our lives and aligning our culture with that goal. For Christians, the ultimate destination is not earthly success or comfort but eternity with Christ. Therefore, our culture should reflect this eternal perspective, prioritizing spiritual growth and a relationship with God over worldly achievements.

As fathers and leaders of our homes, we have a responsibility to shape the culture that will guide our families toward this eternal destination. This involves making intentional choices about the environment we create, the values we uphold, and the practices we encourage. It means being proactive in establishing a culture that aligns with our faith and leads our families toward a deeper relationship with God.